The Visionaries Behind KOOZA

Guy Laliberté, Guide and Founder
“KOOZA takes us back to the roots of Cirque du Soleil, to the profound craziness of Cirque’s early days”

David Shiner, Writer and Director
“I wanted to create a world which would reveal the interior life of the clown. In essence, this would be the world of his hope, innocence, fear, solitude, joy, and above all, his love.”

Serge Roy, Creation Director
“Our wish has always been to move you, make you laugh, scare you, and shift you from melancholy to wanting to dance.”

Stéphane Roy, Set Designer
"I wanted to capture the essence of circus itself by creating a scenographic environment that offers true proximity to the audience, and where the danger is palpable."

Jean-François Côté, Composer

Clarence Ford, Choreographer

Marie-Chantale Vaillancourt, Costume Designer
"My costumes draw on a wide variety of sources of inspiration: everything from graphic novels, the paintings of Gustav Klimt, Baron Münchhausen, the Mad Max movies, time-travel movies to India and Eastern Europe."

Martin Labrecque, Lighting Designer

Jonathan Deans, Sound Designer

Leon Rothenberg, Sound Designer

Danny Zen, Acrobatic Equipment & Rigging Designer

Florence Cornet, Make-Up Designer

Rogé Francoeur, Props Designer

André Simard, Acrobatic Performance Designer

Benoit Mathieu, Production Manager

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